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One output of IDeaS RMS is the generation of pricing decisions for hotels, which is commonly referred to as Best Available Rate (BAR). BAR is used in conjunction with Last Room Value and Overbooking controls to price reservations by occupancy date, number of occupants, length of stay, and room type.

IDeaS Supports our clients by providing multiple ways of BAR priced products.

Best Available Rate (BAR) is generated based on demand, forecast, and occupancy. It is the base rate value that is sold to unqualified guests.

Multiple Priced Products is where IDeaS RMS prices specific rate products based on demand and the configurations that are set within IDeaS RMS, which then distributes the pricing to the Property Management System, Central Reservation System, and/or Rate Distribution System.

Per Person Pricing is Best Available Rate pricing extended up to five (5) adults in a single guestroom.

Child Age Bucket Pricing is Best Available Rate pricing for child age groups that are configured within IDeaS RMS.