API Development Flow
Developing an integration using the IDeaS API typically follows this general flow:
Understand the API:
- Review the IDeaS API documentation to familiarize yourself with the available endpoints, concepts, request/response formats, authentication methods, and error codes.
- Understand the scope of data to which you need access and the operations that need to be performed. This can be found in the Data Frequency Guidelines.
Obtain API Keys:
- Request your unique Client ID and Client Secret
- Understand the authorization grant flow and scopes required to access the necessary resources. See Authentication for further details.
Authenticate and Obtain Access Tokens:
- Authenticate and get your JWToken access tokens and expiry times.
Make API Requests:
- Construct HTTP requests using the appropriate methods (
) to interact with the API endpoints. - Include necessary parameters in the request body, headers, or URL as specified by the IDeaS API documentation.
- Construct HTTP requests using the appropriate methods (
Handle Responses:
- Process the JSON responses returned by the API. Ensure that you handle both successful responses (200-series HTTP codes) and error responses (400 and 500-series codes).
- Implement error handling mechanisms, such as retry logic or user notifications, based on the returned status codes.
Maintain and Monitor the Integration:
- Track usage patterns, manage rate limits, and monitor for any issues with the integration.
- Stay updated with API version changes or updates to avoid deprecated endpoints or breaking changes.
Handle Token Expiry:
- Handle token expiry and implement refresh token logic to ensure continuous access without requiring the user to log in again.
Testing and Certification:
- Follow a self-guided process to reach the Production Beta stage. See Testing and Certification for further details.