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When sending reservations to IDeaS, we consider the reservations to be full overlays, where the last one received “wins” based on the “lastModifiedDateTime” provided within the message. Changes received are appended to the reservation ID and are used to improve forecasting and decisions within IDeaS RMS.

Each submission of a reservation has a “current” status of the reservation. IDeaS supports the following deducting reservation statuses and expects the status to follow the lifecycle of the reservation:

reservation statuses and expectation of status

Non-Deducting Reservation Status

Some systems allow for a reservation to be created as “Reserved” and then changed to a non-deducting status. In this scenario, send a cancellation to IDeaS to remove the deducting reservation from IDeaS RMS data as a “sold”.

Personal Identifying Information (PII)

IDeaS does not request any Personal Identifying Information and expects that the sending system removes all PII data from reservation messages before sending.

Basic Reservations

Reservation yaml outlines the base requirements of all reservation messages submitted to IDeaS.

Day-Use Reservations

Following the Basic Reservation yaml, submit Day Use reservations to IDeaS with the same arrival and departure date.

Reservations on Pseudo Room Types / House Accounts

Reservations booked or moved to pseudo room types should be sent to IDeaS.

Share Reservations

API requires share reservations to be identified on each of the reservation sharers to aggregate the reservations into a single room sold. You can provide a unique “shareId” that connects the share reservations together. Another option is to report the reservationIds for the other reservations connected to the share reservation. The nightly rate value can be split across the shared reservations, or the total nightly rate can be reported on the primary reservation.

Example of Reporting “shareId” where rate value is split:

reservationIdshareIdArrivalDepartRoomTypeNightly Rate
1234Share120 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$50.00
1235Share120 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$50.00
1236Share120 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$50.00
1237Share120 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$50.00

Example of reporting “sharers” where the rate value is on the “primary” reservation:

reservationIdsharersArrivalDepartRoomTypeNightly Rate
1234 (primary)1235,1236,123720 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$200.00
12351234,1236,123720 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$0.00
12361234,1235,123720 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$0.00
12371234,1235,123620 Dec 202524 Dec 2025BDDN$0.00

Multi-Unit Reservations

Use the numberOfRooms on the reservation to provide the number of rooms booked against the reservation ID. When reservations are split, the booking date on the original reservation should be carried over to the split reservations, where each individual reservation reports numberOfRooms = 1.

Booked vs Occupied Room Type Reporting

An important input into IDeaS RMS analytics is to track the original booked room type versus the occupied room type through the life of the reservation. The visibility in such a relationship is key to effective forecasting at the room type level and provides our Clients with enhanced RMS functionality referred to as Same-Time-Last-Year.

Following the synchronization of all reservations, IDeaS RMS will detect room type changes through the processing of incremental reservation updates. Supporting booked room type for both historical and future data is key to the enhanced forecasting and functionality.