The API responds with Content-Type set to application/json, and with JSON content in the body.
Response codes
204 No Content
- Success response with correlation ID
400 Bad Request
- Error caused by the client app, e.g. in case of malformed request or invalid identifier of a resource. In most cases, such an error signifies a bug in the client app (consumer of the API).
401 Unauthorized
- Error caused by usage of invalid ClientToken, AccessToken, or you may not have the necessary permission to use the endpoint.
403 Forbidden
- Server error that should be reported to the end user of the client app. Happens for example when the server-side validation fails or when a business-logic check is violated.
408 Request Timeout
- Error caused by heavy request that takes too long to process (typically tens of seconds). To get around this, request data in smaller batches. For more information, see Request timeouts.
409 Conflict
- The request cannot be completed because the data has changed. To get around this error, try refreshing the data on the client and resubmitting the request.
429 Too Many Requests
- Error caused by too many requests sent in a given amount of time. Response contains Retry-After header indicating how long the user agent should wait before making a follow-up request. For more information, see Request limits.
500 Internal Server Error
- Unexpected error on the IDeaS side. This may be due to a software fault. If such a situation occurs, the error will be logged and the development team notified.